Love, no matter what

Canadian Thanksgiving has somehow rolled around again… already. Somewhere between the roast turkey, stuffing, cranberries, and fall leaves (none of which I’m experiencing by the way), the real significance of this holiday is mostly lost. But for many, it’s simply a time to reflect and give thanks for all our blessings.  I think most of... Continue Reading →

Road Trippin’

There are few things I love as much as I love riding my bike.  When I was 8 years old, I’d spend whole summer days riding my bike, making up destinations just to have an excuse to push pedal my way down empty roads spotted with afternoon sun and the promise of something magical.  The... Continue Reading →

What is Retirement Anyways?

Through travelling and living in different places as a lifestyle, I’ve been exposed to many different types of people and ways to be in this world. Through this exposure, I’ve learned that retirement, as we know it in the West, seems to be more of a developed-world, career-inspired concept than an actual phase of life,... Continue Reading →

How do you know you’re safe?

How do you know you’re safe... In a time where there are no limits, no boundaries, no roadmaps? How do you know you’re safe... When the ground beneath you shakes at random and nations cry out for help? How do you know you’re safe... When economies are crumbling, people are raging, and our food is... Continue Reading →

The Lonely Tree

What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why "What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why, I have forgotten, and what arms have lain Under my head till morning; but the rain Is full of ghosts tonight, that tap and sigh Upon the glass and listen for reply, And in my... Continue Reading →


After being alive four decades we expect to know something. We expect ourselves to be something definitive, easily identified by the world we live in and something that perhaps, has a nice label attached to it. I strived for this for a long time. Even when I thought I wasn't. Even when I renounced my... Continue Reading →


If you'd rather listen, click play below 🙂 Every once in a while I have a day where I feel more connected to the stars, the moon, the cosmos, the things hidden from the plain light of the material world–the "real" one, as most of us call it. I crave going further into the abyss... Continue Reading →

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