Creepy Things in Southeast Asia

Putting down the usual introspective musings and dusting off the memory cells (what’s left of them) for a little storytelling inspired by Halloween 🙂 As someone who has travelled to a few off-the-beaten path tracks in her life (both geographically and metaphysically), I’ve confronted several unpleasant creatures in my wanderings. Some of them have been... Continue Reading →

Road Trippin’

There are few things I love as much as I love riding my bike.  When I was 8 years old, I’d spend whole summer days riding my bike, making up destinations just to have an excuse to push pedal my way down empty roads spotted with afternoon sun and the promise of something magical.  The... Continue Reading →

Backpacking in Laos & THAT Guy on the Bus

Meet Murray Robson.... This guy is a cracker, a loose cannon, a judgemental narcissist and the funniest, most blatantly honest guy I’ve ever met. I met him on my overnight bus from Bangkok to Pakse, Laos and I liked him immediately. His smiley eyes and toothless grin revealed his good intentions and natural roughness. His... Continue Reading →

A Perfect Answer To A Perfect Question

Listen here and please forgive my attempt at basic Thai!!   There’s this lovely woman in Chiang Mai who reminds me of a tea cozy. She wears slacks like my grandma did and starched floral blouses, and she has baby-fine salt and pepper hair and friendly eyes looking out of a soft round face. She... Continue Reading →

Why The Chicken Crossed the Road

At long last, our stay in Bali reached its end. Three months sped by through a process of one hot sunny day, bleeding into the next, until we arrived at week’s end and wondered where the time went. Into laptops and lazy evenings spent stargazing while drinking hot peppermint tea, wondering why I’m drinking hot... Continue Reading →

A Date with Fear

  One of the travel questions I always get asked, especially by women who haven’t visited the tropics, is how I deal with scary things like giant cockroaches or spiders. The short answer is, I don’t really. I have no method, other than to hope I’m not confronted with one, and when (never if) I... Continue Reading →

What is Retirement Anyways?

Through travelling and living in different places as a lifestyle, I’ve been exposed to many different types of people and ways to be in this world. Through this exposure, I’ve learned that retirement, as we know it in the West, seems to be more of a developed-world, career-inspired concept than an actual phase of life,... Continue Reading →

Everything you could ever want

Travelling opens your eyes and bewilders your senses. Extraordinary sights abound. Natural wonders and surreal landscapes. Majestic temples devoted to devotion. People with profound kindness, insight, and talent. Rivers that go on for days. Mountains dominating sky. Underwater civilizations in colours and shapes unknown to life on land. And then there are all the things... Continue Reading →

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